This year in Happiness Camp, Coca-Cola is looking for partners to integrate young people in the labour market!
‘BORA Jovens is Coca-Cola’s youth employability program, implemented by Fundação Ajuda em Ação in Portugal. Since its launch in 2021, the goal is to train and place young people, aged 18 to 25, who are at risk of social exclusion, into the job market. In 3 years, we’ve empowered more than 600 young people and over 200 already entered the job market.
Our mission, together with our integration partners, is through ‘BORA Jovens creating equal opportunitiesto access the job market with a particular focus on helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds gain the employability, skills and confidence they need to succeed.
‘BORA Jovens alongside ‘BORA Mulheres, female entrepreneurship program, are part of the Coca-Cola “This is Forward” sustainability action plan and they sit at the heart of our long-term strategy and sets out the actions we are taking forward with our local communities, with the support of powerful partnerships that inspire and engage our purposes. One of our goals in the Society pillar of “This is Forward” is to support the skills development of 500,000 people facing barriers in the labour market by 2030.
Can you open doors to young people in your company and help the community? Join us @’BORA Jovens stand in Smile Hub and we’ll share a coke or contact