Building Happier Territories: The UAE’s Pioneering Pursuit of Joy Through the Minister of Happiness & Wellbeing
In a world where societies are increasingly measured by economic progress, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has chosen to chart a different path. They’ve embarked on a mission to prioritize the happiness and wellbeing of their citizens, leading the way by appointing a Minister of Happiness & Wellbeing. This innovative approach is shaping the future of what it means to be a successful nation, putting human happiness at the forefront of development.
A Bold Move Towards Joy
In 2016, the UAE appointed Ohood Al Roumi as the world’s first Minister of Happiness & Wellbeing. This groundbreaking decision signaled the nation’s commitment to fostering a positive environment and enhancing the lives of its people. The message was clear: happiness and wellbeing are essential factors in the progress of a nation, and the UAE was ready to lead by example.
Creating Ripples of Happiness
The Ministry of Happiness & Wellbeing has been a driving force behind a series of nationwide initiatives designed to bring joy to the people of the UAE. These efforts touch every aspect of life, from physical and emotional wellbeing to personal development and community engagement.
One of the ministry’s key projects is the National Happiness and Positivity Programme. This strategic framework aims to raise happiness levels across the country, focusing on three pillars: individual happiness, positive social environments, and empowering government institutions.
The individual happiness pillar encourages people to take responsibility for their own wellbeing by promoting practices like mindfulness, gratitude, and empathy. Programs such as the Happiness Patrol, where police officers surprise citizens with small acts of kindness, have brought smiles to people’s faces and inspired a new outlook on life.
Under the positive social environments pillar, the Ministry has made it their mission to create spaces that foster happiness and wellbeing. The introduction of wellbeing and happiness indicators in the design and planning of urban spaces has resulted in vibrant, lively areas where people can connect and thrive.
Finally, the empowering government institutions pillar ensures that policies and procedures align with the happiness objectives of the country. The Ministry of Happiness & Wellbeing has introduced the Happiness and Wellbeing Councils in various government departments, with a mandate to identify opportunities for improvement and to share best practices.
A Brighter Future
The UAE’s pioneering appointment of a Minister of Happiness & Wellbeing has captured the attention of the world. As a result, other nations are beginning to follow suit, seeking ways to prioritize happiness in their own territories. Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness index and New Zealand’s Wellbeing Budget are just two examples of how the idea of placing happiness at the core of policy-making is gaining momentum.
By prioritizing happiness and wellbeing, the UAE has not only enhanced the lives of its citizens but also inspired a global conversation on the importance of human-centered development. The nation’s commitment to fostering a positive environment serves as a shining example of what can be achieved when happiness takes center stage.
The UAE’s Minister of Happiness & Wellbeing is a testament to the power of thinking differently and embracing a more human-centric approach to governance. This pioneering move has shown the world that when happiness and wellbeing become the driving force of a nation, the possibilities for a brighter, more joyful future are endless.